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6 Tips on having a "Green Routine"

A little goes a long way - whether it's your morning commute, your after school routine, or how you live your everyday life, here are 10 easy tips to take into consideration when looking to help the planet!

  1. Reduce, Reuse! Make sure to aim to reuse utensils, water bottles, coffee mugs, plates, etc. By taking a few second to wash them instead of buying something disposable and throwing it out, it will add up and make a difference overtime.

  2. Limit Fast Fashion! Sure, those $5 shirts that seem to always be a steal on major online retailers may seem like a good idea at first, but once they rip, fade, or shrink and end up in the trash, don't fall into the cycle of purchasing new ones! Aim to purchase higher quality clothes, sustainable if possible. Remember, quality over quantity.

  3. Eat less meat! Did you know researchers prove that raising and preparing meat can produce between 10-40 times more greenhouse gas emissions than vegetables? To start, try to take at least one day a week to go meatless, like a meatless Monday. Although it's only one day a week, there are 52 Mondays in a year!

  4. Unplug! Although it may seem like common sense, this one's easy: make sure to unplug and turn off all electronics or devices when leaving your room, house, dorm, etc. It takes two seconds and can not only be good for the environment, but for electrical bills too!

  5. Try Public Transit! Sure, an Uber or Lyft might be convenient but it won't hurt to take a nice walk, ride a bike, carpool, or use public transit if available where you are. Plus, you never know who you'll run into - make friends while helping the enviroment!

If you try out these tips or want to share any others, let us know on social media by sharing with the hashtag #SBSWIMTIPS and tagging us @SBSWIM!

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